Form Strategic Partnership with Tradelink to Integrate
Trade Declaration into ERP Solutions
(Hong Kong, 7 May 2004) Objective Solutions
Limited (hereafter "OSL") today announced it has formed
strategic partnership with Tradelink Electronic Commerce Ltd
(hereafter "Tradelink"), a local leading electronic
services provider specializing in the area of import/export
declaration, to build cost effective solutions to local traders
and manufacturers.
"Most of our clients spend a lot of time in handling trade
declaration. In order to save our clients' time to input duplicate
data, we are now exploring the possibility to integrate electronic
trade declaration service offered by TradeLink into our ERP
solution. It is expected the users can load relevant data from
ERP solutions into TradeLink easily through this value-added
feature." Dr. Oliver Yau, managing director of OSL said.
About TradeLink Electronic
Commerce Ltd
Tradelink Electronic Commerce Ltd is a joint venture between
the Hong Kong SAR Government and other private sector shareholders
who are all key players in the international trade cycle in
Hong Kong, either directly or as representative organizations.
Tradelink's mission is enhance the productivity and competitiveness
of Hong Kong's trading community by making available a range
of value-added electronic commerce services, with equal emphasis
on automating commonly-used trade transactions of the Hong Kong
SAR Government and the commercial sector. |
For any enquiry, please contact Ms.
Mandy Chan, Marketing Executive, at 2722 4360 or email to mandy@oslhk.com. |